Bender Pro

Bender Pro enhances your server(s) with lots of new features, including:

A separate instance of the bot with better performance and uptime. After you've linked your account, add it here.
;roleall ~ Add, remove, or toggle roles for all server members at once.
;nickall ~ Set or reset nicknames of all server members, including custom name prefixes/suffixes.
You can have up to 7 autoroles rather than just 1.
Higher limits on several features, such as the number of patterns allowed in ;filter or number of tags you can create with ;tag.
Image manipulation commands: ;blur;brightness;contrast;deepfry;edge;fade;grayscale;invert;jpeg;mirror;monochrome;pulse;rotate;saturate;sepia;shake;spin
Meme creation commands: ;angery;art;beautiful;bigbrain;birthcontrol;bobross;borncool;brain;changemymind;crimes;delusional;fear;fuckedup;garbage;gay;gaysingles;hamilton;invest;killit;oof;paulryan;shoothim;spiderman;steppedinshit;unsee;veryhard;wanted;whatswrong;worthless
;news ~ Show news for a game, or configure it to automatically be posted in a certain channel.

But that's not all! More information about Bender Pro features is available on the wiki.

More Bender Pro features are in development, and we're open to suggestions on what to add.
If you have an idea for a new feature, feel free to type it in #suggestions in Bender's Lair.

After purchasing and linking your Discord account on the dashboard, you will also receive the @Bender Pro role in Bender's Lair.

Stripe checkout coming soon. For now, please visit the old site for PayPal purchase options.